This is a 7-part series about how we use our minds to play with life and create reality. The class uses fun games played in the mind to demonstrate principles of manifestation.
A 12-part series revealing truths about mainstream health care, what diseases are, what health is, how diseases get into the body, thought energy, biochemistry and much more.
“Crystals” is a 3-part class covering many esoteric understandings not found in books, including what crystals are, how they develop themselves and how they inter-relate with humanity.
A 5-part series about how source consciousness moves energy into creation. It includes detailed explanations about souls, oversouls, higher selves, incarnations and life-forms.
A 3-part class about what the ego is and how it functions. Plus relationships of ego with Higher Self, mind, brain, Divine Intelligence, mental/physical bodies and subconscious.
An 11-part class on souls, higher selves, life purpose, conception, incarnations, death, aura, chakras, DNA, premature birth, SIDS, still born, twins, twin flames, soul mates, ascension, over-souls and universes.
A 7-part class demonstrating how it is possible to heal your body with your mind. It explains how it works, why it works, how to do it and several tips for success.
This video offers overview explanations about each of the twelve dimensions. It addresses common misunderstandings about dimensions and how reality is created within them.
A 10-part class that helps create peace of mind, happiness and freedom. A money mantra and eight specific techniques are used to develop prosperity and abundance in your life.
An 11-part series that adds refinement to the Basic Quantum Prosperity course. It helps clear out sabotaging beliefs and establishes a new operating system for your money consciousness.
A key-note talk about what’s needed to experience 5th dimensional realities. Letting go, divine listening, layers of density, evolution, paradigm shift, collapsing time, light, soul growth and self-realization are discussed.
This is good-to-know information about “blame”. Shad talks about externalization, negative feelings, triggered issues, happiness, responsibility and the blame game.
This talk is about being heard, being a listener and communication in general. Projection issues and self realization for spiritual growth are also discussed.
This is a talk about expectations, illusions, fulfillment, source energy, feeling loved, loving yourself, seeking love, missing love, sharing love, new relationships and the age of enlightenment.
This video explains the Quantum Sensory Experience technology: what it is, what it does, how it works, how it’s made, technical considerations, re-patterning consciousness and crystal music.
A 5-part series on astral projection: what it is, what the experience is like and how to do it. Also known as astral travel, soul travel and out-of-body experience. Several methods are explained as well as tips for success.
This is a 15-part series explaining the spiritual purpose of relationships, friendships, significant others, relatives, confrontations, ego, love, happiness and energy balance.
A 5-part class about self hypnosis. What it is, how it works and details on how to do it are explained. It leads you through actual experiences to improve many areas of your life.
A 7-part class explaining what souls grow through to have a soul ascension. Fear, ego, judgment, responsibility and self-discovery are explained from a soul perspective, but it can all be applied to everyday life right now.
A 16-part class explaining how to get what you really want in your life. Shad presents a series of practical demonstrations and discussions about how to apply the teachings.
This short video offers a different spin on worthiness. Feeling whole, inner voids, the bigger picture, the beginning of time, and the relationship with God and Goddess are discussed.