Birth of the Universe (5 parts)

Shad Diamond

Birth of the Universe offers explanations about source consciousness moving energy into creation, and how spirit experiences itself. The series includes the formation of souls, oversouls, higher selves and the purpose of incarnations. It describes the unfolding of masculine and feminine energy, the perception of separation, consciousness exploring itself, kingdoms of lifeforms, and sets the stage for the eleven part series on souls.

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The value of understanding the process of creation is that it answers all of the confusing questions about life. In part 1 of the Birth of the Universe class, Shad explains the human condition and the value of understanding the inner-workings of existence.

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In part #2 Shad talks about perceived separation from the Creator, unity consciousness, source energy, creating reality, religion, spirituality, wholeness, judgment, love, self-awareness, beliefs, states of consciousness and more.

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Topics covered in Birth of the Universe part #3 include self-realization, unified energy, source consciousness making decisions, introspection and fear of death. There is also a demonstration of unity for the physical incarnation and the non-physical soul.

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In part 4 of this class Shad explains the expansion of creation, the organization of consciousness energy, space-time, quantum wholeness, God, Goddess, Creator, oversouls, soul purpose, life purpose, souls and incarnations, and the roles that each of these have in the bigger picture of the universe.

Brought to you by: the Universe via Huzzaz

Birth of the Universe part #5 explains the various types of lifeforms that a soul will put its consciousness energy into. It’s spread out among four different kingdoms. The complete breakdown is discussed along with a few anomalies that can occur, and how much of the soul’s energy is typically placed in each kingdom.

Brought to you by: the Universe via Huzzaz

Next Recommended Class:     Souls

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