Higher Consciousness Activation: Awakens communication with ethereal realms, enhances angel work and soul communication.
This particular product activates higher consciousness to allow better communication with the spirit world by grounding the root chakra, opening the crown chakra, and raising your core vibratory frequency. It creates new understandings in the subconscious to help you access the higher realms and open to unknown possibilities.
This new science is engineered under proprietary laboratory conditions using sound waves as a carrier of super-luminary information derived from resonating crystals, and other energetic devices, to create a vibratory remedy in the form of music.
“Higher Consciousness Activation” (47 minutes) is ethereal background music infused with the Quantum Sensory Experience™ crystal healing technology, to enhance higher qualities of spiritual evolution. It’s great for orking with your guides, angelic connections, removing the veil, talking with your soul and conversations with God.
This is a practical remedy for self-help at home and a supportive background-environment for therapists. Developed by psychoenergetics scientist, teacher and musician Shad Diamond, to help “Open the Mind, Heal the Spirit and Regenerate the Body”™.