Star Gazing: Helps expand your perception and empower your life
This is a time of faith, hope and purpose on earth. Transformation and spiritual evolution are at the forefront. And as we move into the age of enlightenment, there are new levels of self-awareness that allow life to be created in ways that were previously thought to be impossible.
This unique recording surrounds you in therapeutic healing fields that help transform the limitations and trapped negative energies in your subconscious. Positive changes are accomplished through a series of very explicit Quantum Sensory Experiences™, which create new understandings at a sub-cellular level and alter the responses that are normally triggered by old belief patterns.
“Star Gazing” (55 minutes) is a continuously evolving musical adventure combined with the Quantum Sensory Experience™healing technology to help open you to a plethora of mystical realms beyond time and realize new ways of seeing life.
Follow your heart into a multitude of extraordinary places filled with the gifts of harmony, optimism and intrigue, where visions of other worlds await you. Here you can experience fascinating kingdoms of wonderment and mystery, as your senses meander through a universe of unknown possibilities, and you experience the empowerment of your own consciousness transformation.
It’s a wonderful consciousness expansion tool for home use, or as a background-environment for therapists, developed by psychoenergetics scientist, teacher and musician, Shad Diamond to help “Open the Mind, Heal the Spirit and Regenerate the Body”™.